Discipleship Tool On Stewardship and Personal Finance

Photo by Alexander Mils on Pexels.com

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What is Stewardship?

Psalms 24:1-2 says, “The earth is the Lord’s, and all it contains, the world, and those who dwell in it. For He has founded it upon the seas and established it upon the rivers.”

They say a great definition of worship is tied up in the idea that God is great, and worship is just acting accordingly. We acknowledge His greatness. Stewardship is similar. The Scripture says God owns all things, stewardship is just acknowledging that and simply living like God owns it all. What would change in your finances if you thought of yourself as the manager of what God has given you to manage, and He is the owner of all that you “own”?

We would like for you to consider becoming a Generous Steward. That requires a few things.

1. To be generous is to give of your finances to advance God’s Kingdom 

2. To be well-managed in your finances

3. To be God- centered in your finances

Continue reading “Discipleship Tool On Stewardship and Personal Finance”

We Need a Reformation of the Pocketbook!

martin luther 95 thesis“People go through three conversions: the conversion of their head, their heart and their pocketbook. Unfortunately, not all at the same time.” -Martin Luther

In 1517, Martin Luther nailed his famed 95 Theses on the Castle Church in  Wittenberg, Germany. This act of protest would spark the Protestant Reformation.  While the content of his concerns were salvific in nature, he went on to teach everything under the sun about living out the Christian life,  including the need for us to have a conversion experience related to the way we think about our money. Continue reading “We Need a Reformation of the Pocketbook!”

3 Ways to Purposefully Give Back to the Community

Our community is awash with spring fundraisers.  It seems like the majority of the churches are having spring-break mission trips.  All of the the nonprofits are targeting tax-return season.  It can be overwhelming, and if you are not careful, you can become a bit jaded or bitter towards the requests or potential requests you are receiving.  However, if you have a plan for your finances (specifically your giving dollars), this can be one of the greatest times of the year for you.  Giving opportunities, when you have money set aside for giving, are some of the more encouraging uses of your finances.  It’s like being a kid in a candy store with a little change!

I heard of a man recently say, “I wish all these kids would stop sending me letters about their mission trips.”

What??? Continue reading “3 Ways to Purposefully Give Back to the Community”

Jesus and Money

the-king-and-his-money-cover-1Ever wonder what Jesus had to say about money?

Some say that He spoke as much about money as heaven or hell.  Ever wondered where the Bible verses are located regarding this topic?  We have taken the guess work out of it.  We have identified the key passages in the gospels where Jesus talks about money, uses money to illustrate something or where money intersects strongly with the topic at hand.  Click here to get the study!

Side note: Some of the parables about money are in more than one gospel, so we included it all. You can compare between them for your own edification!

Is Holiness part of Stewardship?

Our ministry is a stewardship ministry. That means that we help families and individuals respond well to the truth that God owns all things. Even the name of this blog reflects the drum that we beat on a regular basis. In Psalms 24: 1-2 we see that

The earth is the Lord’s, and all it contains, the world, and those who dwell in it. For He has founded it upon the seas and established it upon the rivers.

Continue reading “Is Holiness part of Stewardship?”